Sunday, March 4, 2007

March knitting is going good so far!

We got snow again on Thursday. Plowed our yard and then went to camp. The road wasn't plowed to our camp, so did that. Thought I would be a nice person and go to the end...well I got STUCK!!! Had to call someone to come and pull me out. I called my cousin and she and her husband came up to the lake and pulled me out. I was really stuck good too!!!!! It took a couple of tries, but he got me out. So happy to see them!! So glad he had a nice one ton Ford! I love Ford.

Today I finally got to my DC (darling cousin) to help her finish her second pair of socks. She is using Bartlettyarns wool 2 ply to knit this pair. It is yarn I had from my shop. I took a picture of is finished and the other one is almost done...just had a stitch not she had one stitch too many. Found it and got she finished it. Great Job LAJ!!!

As you can see, her socks are really nice...she did a great job! I waited for her to cast on the next stocking, yes she is going for pair 3, and didn't get the yarn twisted. She is going to make them with a short cuff, about 30 rows. She has written down the pattern so she understands it. Says she can't read a pattern, but is able to follow her own way of writing it down.

Finally got a couple of photos of the yarn and pattern I started a little bit ago. Bought this at City Side Yarn Shop in Bangor. It is Cascade 220. It's a reddish brown...or should be. I had a doctors appointment on Feb 28. I went to the shop to get a couple more skeins and they were will have to keep a close eye on how much I use on the back and fronts. Want to put the hood on it. I need to make some more of the skeins into balls. Used one and almost done with the second one tonight.

This photo shows my knitting and the book photos. I have made it before and it should be easy! DUH my old brain won't work! I almost took my knitting bag with me when I went to camp yesterday. But I didn't. I was close to the camp when I got stuck, so had to walk back to get a signal on my cell. I went in the camp and started a was colder inside then out. Could see my breathe. I decided to watch TV and knit. Found a skein of sugar and cream and a pair of size 8 needles. I started a dishcloth, but was way too cold so I wrapped up in a blanket, but not enough heat from the woodstove and my feet were getting cold. (didn't have my wool socks on). I walked back to the truck to warm up. I had some water and my Shania Twain CD so I got the knitting started. I was almost done with it when my hero's came to rescue me. lol I promise I will not go to camp alone again to plow!!!!!! I can not believe that not one person came by on a snow sled...nice day and no one out sledding. Oh well. More sledders here in town then out in the woods right now.

Well, time for bed. Been a long day and I need my beauty sleep...hahaha. KNIT ON!!


Joan said...

Great sweater! Great blog too. I'll add you to my list.

Anonymous said...

Lynn: I loved reading your blog and the dogs are so beautiful. I have a 5 lb. Pomeranian because of my age but I love big dogs. I have recently been doing Aran knitting again. It ain't easy. What was once so easy althoug challenging is now a big deal.
What is the book you are using for directions for the jacket? Is it still available. Jackie