Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Where has the time gone??

Well, I haven't posted for a while only because I have not been doing much of anything. DH and I went to visit our son and his family on Sunday it the most excitement in a long time. The baby is getting big! She now stands up and does raspberry's. LOL And she likes hats to chew on. Grampa and I had a wonderful visit with the three of them, even with the long ride to get there and then to drive back! That is the only thing I wish...we or they, lived closer so we could see them more often. Last time over was for Christmas. Took a lot of pictures of everyone and the dogs too!

Here is a picture of Ollie. She is getting old and has a hard time to walk. She has hip displacia. It is starting to take its toll on her. She is still very alert and is able to get up to go outside when she needs to. She was so loving when we were there. She will always be my favorite of their dogs.

Here's a picture of Baxter. He is one wacky dog! He loves to play and chase anything you throw. Snowballs are the funniest of them all. He will look for a long time for it knowing it broke when it landed. He is a wonderful dog. He is such a goofball. He is DGD protector. She is his and no one else. He watched every thing that is done and who is there. I don't want to have to come up against him at any time. He has never growled or shown his teeth to anyone, but this baby is different...she belongs to him and try to do something and watch out!

Knitting has been slow...finished my second pair of socks and have been working on my wool jacket. I have taken it out so many times I don't remember. I finally had to write out the first row to figure out what I was doing wrong. It was me as always. I had too many patterns for my stitches!!! I hate the way the new pattern directions are done today! Just write them out for me...I am too old to send all the time trying to decipher them so I can knit!!!!! lol Sometimes new isn't always best...old ways are a lot better for me any day! Cheaper for the publisher..takes up very little in pages with the graphs instead of all the words to explain it. Oh well...just have to write it out to get it straight I guess.

And my cousin is on her second pair of wool socks. She is a quick study that is for sure! Really enjoy teaching her as she picks it up quick. Her tension is so way better then mine any day! She has NO ladders in her socks at any point! Wish I could say that about me. I always have ladders. I think it;s because my hands hurt so much I don't have my tension as tight I was did when I was younger.

Well, supper is almost ready so I am done for today. I hope to get some pictures of the yarn and my pattern on here soon. Take care and KNIT ON!

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