Monday, February 5, 2007

Yarn! Winter! Knitting

I finally have the yarn that I want to knit myself a cardigan with. I have the yarn, now to find the right pattern! I had enough in the old shop to knit is Bartlettyarns 2 ply wool from Harmony Maine.The color is raspberry!!! I have started another pair of wool socks..this time for me. These are in Light Heather from Bartlettyarns wool. It is colder today then it was last week. Its -4 F and -25 F with the windchill. BBRRRRRR And I want my feet warm in the evening while I am knitting. I hate this makes my bones achy and sore. And I knit no matter how bad they feel. But my new knee and back are very sore from this cold. Had someone ask me the other day if I can feel the cold in my new joint. NO. I had not even thought about it getting cold. I just know when I am cold and its not my knee! lol

So WIPS I have right now, another fun fur hat for charity, a pair of wool socks for me, and Anna's skirt, which I don't think I will ever finish. I just can't get back into this project at all. I am at a loss as to where I stopped, even though I have kept all the rows marked on paper and I have that paper. It just doesn't want to click for me at this time...oh well. I will keep trying to finish this project.

Coming into Millinocket from Rt 11..or as we call it, the Brownville Road. Have been at camp plowing. Alan shoveled the roof and snowblowed the deck.

The Baithole Trail on rt 11. The wind is blowing hard and the snow is blowing all around on the roads.

The Green Bridge on rt 11. They resurfaced the bridge, now it needs a good painting.

South Twin Lake. A snowmobiler is racing across the ice with the snow blowing! A very windy but beautiful day in Maine!

The Snowmobile trail that crosses the highway (RT 11) just above the Turkey Tail road at South Twin Lake. Was hoping that there would be someone on the trail today.

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