Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Socks and Snow again

It has been so cold here the last few days...-35F with the wind-chill. Today is a big snow day! The whole state of Maine is closed down. I went out to my cousins this morning to help her with her second sock. She got the heel turned and the instep done. I had plowed out our yard around 11 am and when I came home at 2:00 it looked like I hadn't done a thing. Put wood in the stove, hubby called to say he was staying over until 11 pm on snow removal. So I went back to my cousins house and we knit some more. I have the second sock of the second pair (same yarn for both pair), almost finished. Came home around 6:00 and had to plow again. I got the snow out of the drive way in our yard and a couple of the neighbors. The plow hasn't been by all day, so lots of snow from the wind blowing. I decided to finish it tomorrow. It is still snowing and wind has picked up so much that it just blows the snow right back. So no use beating my head against a wall!! It will wait until morning. Then I can get it done in day light. Not too crazy about plowing at night. So I will get up with hubby at 6 and head out to plow. He will do all the shoveling, something I can't do any more, so that will take care of the steps and the walkway.

I went to Bangor to CCOM to get my results on my blood tests. That was last Tuesday. Hubby came home from work early and went with me. I had to drive back down to Bangor the next morning to have another kind of blood test done. So after I got that done, I went to City Side Yarn and bought some Cascade 220 in a burgundy color to make a long hooded jacket with. I have the ribbing done on the back, but have been so busy with teaching sock knitting, I haven't had time for me! Once that second sock is done, I will be making this for me. I still have the other wool that I want to make a cardigan with for my too. That will wait a little bit, as I already have a few things to do for my Granddaughter.

Well, its time to put up hubby's lunch for tomorrow. And then head to bed and knit until he gets home in about half an hour. Will have some pictures to add tomorrow of the snow and the new yarn I bought. I am just thankful that we are not getting 12 feet of snow like in NY. Two feet will be enough for now. LOL

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