DH came home from work with my package that I was waiting for from UPS. I tracked it and it read that it had been delivered...WHERE THE HECK IS IT!! Not at my house. Damn that UPS again. Well, DH saw the guy and he gave DH my package! LOL I am glad he let me open it today..not make me wait for my birthday in a couple of weeks. LOL
I ordered them from CafePress.com last week. I asked if he would get me one for my birthday and he said to order two if I wanted...and I did! I opened them and then went outside and draped them over the seat in the truck so daylight would show the pink color. I have wanted a Knitster shirt for ages and now I have one. I think I will ask for the baseball cap for Mother's Day in May. They have a lot of really neat clothing at their site. A few years ago I bought a couple of bumper stickers that are knit related too!
Well, the two fronts are just 15 rows from completion. I should be in the living room knitting on them and watching Medium, but here I am on the computer blogging and watching Medium. As soon as the dishwasher stops I will be heading to bed. Decided to go for a walk today. My poor back just isn't up to a long walk yet. I had told DH that I would be walking the route he takes on his drive home and to keep an eye out for me. He saved me!! My hero again! I thought my left knee was going to explode! The injection is wearing off. So bone on bone again. Knee replacement for the left side is on the horizon. I am going to be the 6 million dollar grammy! ha ha It was very windy today and not very warm...only 35 F with wind-chill in the 20's. I had to keep my eyes covered so I didn't get sand and dirt in them while walking. I am very glad I decided to wear my winter coat and the hood and my mittens. The wind will make the snow melt faster so keep them blowing Mother Nature. I am in a hurry to move to the lake in April. Want to be there before May and get to enjoy birds and little critters. The hummers will be heading in then too.
Well, time for me to shut of the water to the dishwasher and go work on the sweater...night all!
1 comment:
Love the knitster shirt. For chrismas my hubby got me the yarn ho shirt from knitty's cafe press store. I feel so silly when I wear it but I love it.
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