Tuesday, February 26, 2008

IT's snowing again!!!!!

Here I sit watching the snow falling again! We are expecting some ice, sleet and rain with this storm..and about 16" of snow! I doubt I will be going to work tomorrow. This has been an unbelievable winter for everyone this year. So glad we are on the back side of winter and waiting for spring to get here. I told DH today that I bet we get a big storm in last of April this year. Been a while since we had one of those. They usually are heavy wet snow and only stay a few days, but cause big power outages. Oh well, I guess it could be worse. We don't get the kind of weather other parts of the US gets, so I guess I will just shut up about the snow and be thankful we don't get the tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes others get.

I have the "Precious" sweater all knitted....now to put it together and start the next one for Sarah. I hate having to tie all those ends in but it has to be done. So tonight I will tackle that and then get it to Lily's mom.

I have a scratchy throat and itchy ears today...I hope I don't get the CRUD that others have. One of the young men I work with has it and made a point of getting in my face yesterday at work just to let me and the others on our team...and I think he wanted to share it with us all too! Because of the storm, I went to the store and got Kleenex, cough drops and cold medicine...just in case. Better to be safe then sorry.

We will be plowing tomorrow for sure. The snow started early today but didn't start to stay on the roads until around 4. Now the roads are covered and the snow it getting steadier. Weatherman said we will be getting the biggest part of the storm tomorrow morning after it redevelops of the coast of Maine and then will be a good one. DH put the plow on the truck today so we won't have to do it tomorrow morning. Well, going to go knit and watch TV. Take care all and.........


1 comment:

Sheila said...

you sure have had a ton of snow this winter! We went to Moab last week and it snowed there! More snow in the desert SW than I have seen since I moved from Jersey. Do you have any bulbs forced? That always saved me in February. The thought of spring and spring flowers.