Here is the little squirrel sitting on the pallets eating sunflower seeds. DH cleaned the yard yesterday and today and moved the pallets to the back of the yard so when they deliver our wood next week they won't get broken. The little guy decided to jump back and forth from the feeder to the pallets and eat his dinner. Tonto decided he wanted to eat the little squirrel, so had to go out and shoo it away...hate it that the cat does that, but it's what he does! lol
The neighbors have their platform up for their pool this summer. I am so glad we don't have one of those.. a royal pain in the ass to put up and take down every year.
This is the hooded sweater that I am knitting for my granddaughter. I have taken a picture of the yarn so that you can all see what it is I am using. I haven't seen this yarn in many years, so don't know where I got it..what distributor sold it to me. I want to say Reynolds, but can' won't ha ha!!
It has a single strand of green in it, though the picture doesn't show that at all. It is aran color with that one strand. Love the way it knit up and the feel of it. Wish I had more of it to make another sweater for me out of it.
Started another Aran hooded cardigan today for my friends grand baby in Texas. I am knitting this one in the smallest size as the baby isn't a year old until October. Their weather is nothing like Maine's so trying to knit something the baby can use and be used.
Here is a picture of the yarn, book and the started back of the cardigan. I really enjoy this pattern and is probably why I have made so many of them and given them as gifts to family and friends. This one is the smallest size, 22" chest, finishes up at 25". I will make it to the exact size the directions call for.
I started this around 2 p.m. today and have quite a bit of it done. The pattern is a 28 row repeat and now that I have it in my memory again, I am off and running without having to look at the pattern. And only mark the rows when I take a love it that I can just knit this one without all the hassles of keeping track like the first one I did for DGD.
Have a fire in the woodstove today. Very cold and damp all day. Only 46 F right now and the sun is trying to come out. We have had many rain showers all day but it didn't stop DH from getting more of the yard picked up and hauled to the dump. At least the town leaves that part of it open for everyone to use. It is just for leaves and brush. No trash. That part is closed today.
We still have a little bit of snow in the yard. Down the hill by the mill fence there is a LOT of snow! The sun doesn't hit that part so it will take longer to melt.
Can't wait to get to camp...should be in about 2 weeks. Waiting for the road to reopen and the ice to go out. No water - no me at camp! I like flushing a toilet! And taking a shower!
Well, back to knitting on the hoodie for my friend. Take care all and
Hello Lynn....... Found your site by accident...... Very nice... I think we are relatives please E mail me....... Aunt Ellen was my aunt too...... Just finished a really easy shrug......Lots of cold winters, we neded something to do. Love Betty MMISSELIZABETH@MSN.COM
Lynn, I really like that Aran yarn. It gives some spark to the knitting. The Aran sweater is knitting fast. Today it was 91 in St. George. Roses are blooming and right now the weather is gorgeous. Next month it will start to get "warm"
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