Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Snow at the Mountain and the Dike


Underneath all that snow is a camp! OH YEAH! Just a little bit of snow up at Amajejus Lake! Of course the snowplow hasn't helped! The banking is high because of the plowing, but the snow on the roof, imagine it, it there by mother nature. In the center of this picture is the camp. I had to take a picture to prove that we have a lot of snow! And this sure proves it!


This is the camp just before the camp you can't see. I am amazed that it hasn't colapsed from the weight of the snow. Yesterday DH and I took a ride around town and saw a home with an attached garage that the garage had colasped from the weight of the snow. I will have to go back and take a picture of it today to post. I am amazed that people do not take the time to shovel or to have their homes shoveled off with all this snow we got this winter.

We had taken the state road to Abol and drove back on the Golden Road. We were both suprized to see tree length wood stacked on the sides of the road again. We haven't been up that road in a few years due to the fact it is posted a private road. The mill hasn't had tree length logs there for years....since they took out all the equipment to cut it up into 4 foot lenths. So took a few pictures of the piles of wood.
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Abol Bridge and store. The bridge is one-lane and the loaded pulp trucks use it to bring the logs to the mills in the area. Just a little bit of snow in this picture too!

At least the snow has started melting and spring is finally coming to Maine!


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