Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Green Grass in our yard and Sarahs Aran Sweater and slippers


Washed the slippers and I do not think they are small enough for DGD's little feet. I might try felting them some more today. I think I like them, but not sure...will have to wait and see how Sarah likes them. I just wish they had felted smaller...look to me like they are still as large as when I knit them. Her little feet are only 6" long and these are a lot longer than 6 inches...lol Oh well, hope to try them on her this weekend...if mother nature doesn't mess up the weekend again with snow like the last one! We are planning going to visit on Saturday, and staying over night, but the hotels are all booked for Reggae weekend at Sugarloaf USA.


Have the back and the two fronts done on the Aran hooded cardigan for DGD. I have the two sleeves started but haven't really worked on them much these last couple of days. My back ache has increased and now I just want to lay still in bed and hope for the pain to ease up. Have pain meds to take, but hate taking them. Saw my doctor on Monday and he said I shouldn't have the second back surgery...just increase my meds and live with it. Yeah right! He should walk a mile in my shoes and then tell me if he wouldn't take the chance to have this pain reduced like it was before I went and moved the wrong way and now have the vertebrae slipped over so I have pain 24/7! My surgeon is now wishing she had fused this when I had surgery last May. Oh well, and I was doing so good. Now to decide which to do first, back or knee replacement...haha Get-R-Done!!


We have some green grass in our yard. LOL Still have a ton of snow, but what grass is showing is turning green. Our back yard is so muddy, (Mud season has arrived!!) that we are going to have to start parking in the driveway or on the street for a while. Hate parking on the street..never know what will happen to our vehicles! Do not want the alarms going off at 2 in the morning!!

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As you can see, there is snow and now grass! I hate the thought of the bugs and mosquitoes coming in May, but will gladly put up with them after this winter and all the snow!

Aunt Ellen is still in the hospital. I haven't been back up...just so hard to see her struggling to breath. I am not a very nice person, but I hope the family can forgive me for my short comings in life. I understand that the doctor has put her on morphine now to help her relax and hopefully able to breath better. I am just going to have to go up today and see if the family can use some support. Enough of me feeling sorry for myself and not being there when needed!!!

Well, got to get going. Promised a lady to send her a yarn care package so she can design some more socks! She is such a great talent, but like is always looking for donations to help with her limited income. And I hope to get a couple of her wonderful sock patterns too!

Take care all and



SinKnitty said...

Oh Lynn!! I hope you can get your back fixed! I have no idea what pain your going through. I threw out my back once and dislocated my hip while pregnant but slipped disks?
Those little felted booties are so cute! Are they from a pattern? I'm sure a bit more felting will work the trick.
Good luck and hope you feel better.

Cactusneedles said...

Yeah! Green grass! And mud! Well, at least that's some sign of spring! Hope you're feeling better soon.