Well, woke up to snow Saturday morning! Just a little bit, but enough to make us stay home instead of going to Bangor to the Home Show. There were many accidents and the odds made us make a quick decision to stay home and for me to bake a nice spiral ham! So we stayed home, I cooked, cleaned and knit on my aran cardigan. I now have the hood started. The sleeves are done and so are the button bands.
We went to Bangor today (Sunday) and got some stuff on modular homes at the Home Show. (Not a lot of stuff there...people do not have the money to invest in these shows like they did years ago.) Hoping to have home built in a few years near our son....want to watch the grand daughter grow up and once DH is retired, we can move. Just a few more years to go.
We stopped in Medway at the Gateway Inn and watched the deer. Had heard the cops talking about them on the scanner last night, so when we pulled off the interstate I told DH that we were going to stop and watch the deer if they were there. And were they!!! In the 20 minutes we were there, 20 of them came out of the woods to eat the grain the Inn owners have been putting out. There were seagulls and a couple of female ducks there too! One of the ducks was right next to the deer and didn't care if they were close to her or not. The deer were not phased by anyone getting out to take pictures or of all the coming and going cars! The deer were in the woods and some were near the edge of the woods watching. They all came to eat while we were there and more were coming as we pulled out of the parking lot.
This picture shows a duck landing in the deer to get some food. The deer moved and it took right off again and the other one followed suit and took off to. Did get a picture of it in the deer.
This shot shows there are 13 deer. More came from the right and just mingled with the rest to eat. DH didn't want to sit and watch long. Told him I should have left him home...he's a party pooper! I was talking to the people at the show and he was standing there huffing and puffing to move along. You'd think I'd learn after 38 years...go by myself...get to see more and do more. LOL Gotta love him!!! ha-ha
Great pictures! Sorry you got more snow. I keep trying to send those springy thoughts your way! Take care:)
I amazed how much snow you have had this winter! My first roses are blooming here in the desert. Think of me in July with 100+ temps. Uuuugh. I think shoveling is worse now that I think about it.
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