No pictures to post, but I have started a new hooded sweater for Sarah. I got the pattern from
Lionbrand. I had the yarn from my old shop, it is called "
ARAN" by
Moby. I do not remember what company I bought it from, but I know I had made a small sweater for a lady for her grandson with it. It is 85% acrylic and 15% wool. Just went and got a skein of it. It is made by King Cole Ltd in
Bingley U.K. It is
aran with a single stand of dark green twisted through it. I am quite pleased with the way it has knit up. The pattern is Vanna's Choice Hooded Sweater. I am knitting this in a size 4. I have the front and the back done and working on the two sleeves at once and they are almost done. Finished the last increase on them a little bit ago. Now I need to find my tape measure and see if they are long enough to bind off. Then I can put it together and start the hood, which is picked up from the cast off stitches, not knit and sewn on.
When we went over last weekend to visit, my
DIL brought out 3 other hooded sweaters that I have already knit for Sarah in size 2/3. So this one I will give her for Christmas this year. Hopefully she won't grow too quickly and not wear it a lot like I want her to.
The weather here in Maine has been wonderful. The snow is going, going but not gone! The lake road is still closed and won't be opened until May 11. DH has the week of May 19Th off, so this will give me time to get up there and get the place cleaned up...dust and all that stuff from the winter months. And DH can put the ladders and snow shovels away, not in the kitchen.
LOL We had a huge thunder and lightening storm last evening. I hate them!!!!! It was a little early in the season for one, but Mother Nature has not been doing things according to the seasons at all this year, so why not throw in a good summer storm in the spring...
ha ha. The temps have been in the high 60's and mid 70's the last 6 days. Today was only 53 F but still nice out after the clouds cleared.
I started my cucumber seeds yesterday. Also my tomato and morning glory seeds too. I am going to put them into hanging pots or 5 gallon pails this year as I will not be able to do any bending to weed my garden again this year. Last year I didn't do anything because of my back surgery the end of May. This year I hope to have it all planted and on the deck before I go in again. I missed not being able to pick fresh
cukes and tomatoes last year. And the price of veggies right now is off the charts, so this will be a money saver in the end....IF I can keep the raccoons out of them...especially the tomatoes. They always eat them or tear up the pots at night when they are hungry. I asked DH to get someone to till the garden out so I can at least have a couple of rows of radishes...which are my absolute
fave! He just laughed at me. I bought some seeds of mixed flowers for hummingbirds. Hopefully he will plant them for me so that at least there will be something there besides the weeds we had last year..
ha haHad the studded snow tires removed from the truck today. State law is that they have to be off my May 1st. DH is going to have to find 4 more rims so we will not have to be paying to change the tires twice a year. To have the mounted and balanced ran us $53.00 today.
Gas prices hit $3.65.9 a gallon yesterday. One station was still at $3.53.9 a gallon so I went up and filled my little car up...if you pump it yourself and are 55 or over they take .02 off a gallon. Then when DH got out of work we went up with the pickup only cost us $83.00 to fill it..good thing it still had 10 gallons in the tank...can't imagine what it could have been if it had been really empty...OH MY!! My little car was $17.36 for 5.07 gallons! OH MY!!!!! DH wants to buy a motorcycle to ride this summer back and forth to work. I think he may just get one if we can get one cheap enough. I haven't driven a bike since I broke my ankle in 1982 when I did that on my sons little dirt bike. I have had three surgeries on that ankle and now I am going to have an ankle joint replacement this fall! So glad I never had it fused! I wouldn't be able to have this new surgery.
I am going to make another
Aran Cardigan for my
pen pal in Texas. Her granddaughter is going to be 1 in October, so I am going to make the size 2. Judy said that they wear sweaters, but nothing heavy. So this worsted weight will be great for her in the winter time.
Well, time for me to get off the
PC and knit some more on the sweater for Sarah. Take care all and