Took a ride to camp with DH after he got out of work. We got to try the new plow out. Put it in V mode and off we went. Only had part of the road opened up, so we had to plow in a little over a mile to our place...but we went to the end so the others could get to their camps and get their roofs shoveled off. We didn't have time to do that today, so just got the driveway plowed out...had two storms to take care of. I am so surprised how this truck handles. The bronco worked hard all the time and this new Dodge Ram 3/4 ton is unbelievable. It was like slicing thru butter with a warm knife. It moved the snow and ice with no problems at all and I didn't even work up a sweat...and the truck didn't This picture is of the woods were we turned around to head back into our camp. The ride was a lot of fun.
The kids across the street enjoyed the day off from school today. They were outside sliding down their walk..and it's a steep one too! They shoveled out their parents van and then played for a while. The kids up a few houses dug a tunnel through a pile of snow..that made me nervous. I was afraid the town plow would bury them when it was plowing. Could not watch them at all!
I gave my neighbor Tom a pair of wool socks today for plowing me out. Last night I gave his wife, Rhonda, a pair of double thick mittens I had knit...made myself a pair and had enough left over to make another pair. Both were very pleased to have some nice warm home made gifts from me!! Love my neighbors!! lol
I knit 6 of these hats....this one is very small and will give it to my granddaughter Sarah, the next time we get over to visit them. Was hoping it would be this weekend, but with all this snow and the winds and crappy driving I am staying home were it's warm and toasty! DIL will get her birthday presents in the mail now instead of in person. boo hoo We wanted to see them and the baby!!!! LOL I do not know why they felted up so small...they all did. I am assuming that the fisherman wool that I used didn't need to be in the machine that long. I left them in for two complete washes, as I would with the other type of felted hats I made before. I like felting in my front loader at camp then this one here at our home in town. I think it just pulls the crap out of everything with that back and forth agatation. The round and round from the front loaded is not so rough on them. I will make Sarah another one for next winter and felt it when we move back to the lake.
Well, time to finish the next pair of wool socks I started last night. I am going to make these a short cuff pair for Rhonda, as she said she would prefer them to just go a little above her boots, not like the mens.
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