Thursday, January 4, 2007

Jan 4, 2007 Mount Katahdin

Took a ride this afternoon up to the Abol bridge. I stopped at different places and took pictures of Mount Katahdin. We should have a ton of snow by now, but we have can't snowmobile on tar or ice. The lakes and brooks and little ponds are still open and flowing freely everywhere. You can see the mountains reflection in the open water in some of these pictures. I didn't see any moose or deer today, but a lot of chipmunks and squirrels everywhere. Also noticed several out of state plates on pickups hauling their snowmobile on trailers looking for some place to use them! Hopefully we will get some snow next week. Then we will get us put the new plow on the truck and give it a good work out. We have owned it for over a year and never had to plow with it yet. Hubby said it will be so much easier with this 3/4 ton Dodge compared to the old '89 Ford Bronco we had up until I was plowing with it and the motor caught on So happy to see my husband drive up behind me. He opened the hood and threw snow on the motor...darn thing started right up. He couldn't pick up the plow, so drove it into the drive way at camp and left it..and there it still sits..rusting out. We did have a few small storms that we could have plowed, but it would warm up and no need to.
The weather today hit 47 degrees. It was sunny and there was a slight breeze, but it was a great day. I went to the post office and mailed out the three packages to my son, his MIL and my niece. Hope they all enjoy their gifts. I sure enjoyed knitting them.

I got out Anna's skirt this evening. I have spent over 2 hours looking over the pattern and the shirt...and I still can't figure out what row I am on. I have all the papers where I marked each row, but it just doesn't seem to be right....NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!! Oh well. Tomorrow is another day. I will try again..if not, I will take out that part of the pattern (chart 4) and start it again. I feel like I missed a row between the charts, but can't find it. I should have finished it when I first started it. I am not even going to try to change the YO that I didn't like. Do not need that hassle. Just want to finish it and be done with it. Then off to my next project. A cardigan for me and three Christmas stockings for my little great nieces. Think I will make them the one with the Christmas trees on them with their names knit into them. I want to make them different from my sons. And I have enough yarn to make the tree ones and not the moose ones. Would have to go out and buy 6 or 7 skeins of yarn for them, and I am trying to reduce my stash considerably this year. I will die before I ever use it all up. Have some of it bagged to donate to our church. The ladies there make afghans and blankets to give to families when they have a tragedy in the family, like a fire or family injury. They will have 3 or 4 large trash bags full to use..and its all brand new. Next is the get to the spare bedroom and go through all that yarn there. Some of it I bought from Zayers when they went out of business ???????????? years ago. I remember buying all the yarn they had. It was all in boxes. I used up most of it, but I still have a couple of boxes of red yarn. And at this point in time, I do not plan on making the hooded sweaters I did with that yarn again. I used to sell my knit items at craft shows at Christmas time. I did very well back then. Now it seems no one has money to spend on knitted items today. And I refuse to sell things at just yarn prices. Today I want to get at least twice or three times what I paid for the item. I have not done a craft show in years, and probably won't do them ever again. Too much work setting up and taking down. Knitted the stuff is not the problem. Its the fact that no one wants to pay what you re asking...they think you should give it away. Not any more. My time is precious.

Well, time for bed. Rain is coming tomorrow and I have a lot of things to do tomorrow outside before it gets here.

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