Thursday, January 18, 2007


Well, winter is finally here. It has not been above zero all day or evening..right now its -8F. windchill is -23F. The cats go out and I set the timer for 5 minutes to make sure I don't for get them..too cold and do not need them to get frost bite on their ears or footpads. And I love them too much to want them outside when I don't want to go out.

Finished one blue wool sock yesterday, got a lot done waiting for the doctor to come in. (Don't you hate it when the put you in a room and don't come in for an hour or more??) Anyway, I am going to need surgery on my back to help with the stenosis. She wants to do a not like the sound of this word any more then I did knee replacement 2 years ago. First I have to see the hemotoligist for my clotting problem and then back to her for scheduling the surgery. It will be just a one day thing..if I lived closer I would not have to stay overnight.

After the appointment I went to City Side Yarn Shop to see if they had any cotton yarn in DK weight..and they did...with 20% off. Got 5 skeins of a red DK for my granddaughters sunsuit. I also went into AC Moore and bought some 6 skeins of DK cotton in a peacock blue. Now can't wait to make the two summer outfits for DGD. She will be 1 this summer so I have plenty of time to get them done. And I will have plenty of time to do it. I will not be able to anything for 3/4 weeks except walk or lay down. No lifting, prolonged sitting, bending, prolonged standing....what a way to get some knitting time!!! It will be the hard way though.

I will get some more things ready and into bags with patterns, needles and notions before I go in. That is what I did with the knee replacement in Sept. I didn't do much knitting in the hospital..too out of it to concentrate more than one row an But I did knit a little. Did a lot more at home after the pain started to go away...or not so intense. Thank God for pain medications. tee hee hee

We have another snow storm heading our way. Predictions are a Nor'easter. And our area is in the midst of it so we are supposed to be 8 or more inches of snow. The storm will start tomorrow night late and all day Friday and into the most of Saturday. Looks like that takes care of our trip to visit with our son and his family for another weekend. But it means hubby will get called in to plow the mill again and that will be so nice....need fuel oil..almost empty again~ And woodstove is pumping out the heat like crazy, but with the windchills so bad today had to use the furnace to keep the house at 68 degrees. The cold penetrates through the foundation walls and through any little crack in the insulation it can find. Liked it better with no snow and nice temps...spoiled I guess.

Time for bed...hope to get my other sock done tomorrow after I go grocery shopping..and I hope its not as cold!

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