I spent all day Friday trying to figure out where I am on this darn skirt!!! So I put it aside and started another pair of wools socks. These will be for DH. I know he will need them soon..if the weather ever decides we live in Maine and not down south. The temps yesterday were around 45 degrees. Today it hit 52! Here it is 10:40 pm EST and it's still 50 degrees. The cats do not want to be in the house at all. So they might just spend the night outdoors.
Had a young man go through the ice Friday afternoon at Fergeson Pond, just up the road from us. The fire department was called by one of the other men with him, using his cell phone. The rescuers had to wait for the cable people to get to the road to unlock the chain across the road. The man was very lucky. He was in the water for quite a while before they could get him out. He was transported to our local hospital and then transferred to the big city a little bit later. He is still in EMMC tonight. He is one lucky young man to be alive today! Can not believe anyone would go on the ice right now. There has been no cold weather to freeze the waters thick enough to hold the weight. And the man was on a snowmobile to boot! Some will never learn...and we the tax payer have to pay for those rescues. There isn't a fish in the world worth taking that kind of risk for. I love to fish, but will not go out on the ice for anything. I will fish in the summer and fall from my little row boat!! lol
Worked very little on the sock today. Roasted a fresh chicken for supper and all the good, fattening things that go with it. I haven't felt like cooking in a long time. I still don't have the strength in my knee yet to stand all the time and make sweets. I only made one pie for Christmas compared to the 3 I usually make plus the cookies, scotch-a-roos and jello molds. Oh well. We had a wonderful Christmas at our sons without all the extras! And no one missed them either.
Started reading one of my new books this evening. This one is Knit One, Kill Two. I got them at Amazon.com for less then half price with the shipping. And they were in excellent shape. Got the other two in the series also. I went to bed early tonight, but couldn't sleep. Decided to read a little more of my book, but ended up on the computer first. After I am done with this, I will read. Going to look for one of those little lights that clip onto a book so you can read at night...that way I can go to bed with DH and read after he falls asleep. He is such a light sleeper, I know that the light on my side of the bed would bother him. I hope one of these little lights wont.
Supposed to be really nice tomorrow but Monday the weather is going to be snow, ice, sleet and freezing rain before it turns into just rain. And in the mountains it may stay all snow. Tomorrow we will have to get the plow on the truck. Its been sitting all summer so will need to be hooked up before the snow gets here. Do not want to try to hook it up and it won't connect when we have a storm. Been there, done that many times before with the Bronco. This plow has all the parts on the plow and not inside the hood. So if there is a leak it wont get on the motor and start a fire like the old one did.
Well, time to shut this down and go read. If I don't read another chapter or two I will lay awake thinking about the book! Night