A partridge is in our yard at camp! They are everywhere this year. And so are the rabbits. After a couple of years without seeing any, looks like this year is going to be a good year for them.
I am hoping you can see the snow on the windshield and in the background. Took this coming out of camp yesterday afternoon. The snow didn't stay on the ground, but it sure isn't a welcomed sight!
We stayed at camp last night for the first time this season. I am so tired this morning. A little mouse kept running around and finally got in the trap...sounded like a gun shot when it went off! DH slept right through it! Friggin' men!! Then I could hear another one in the bedroom and was hoping it didn't want to get in bed with us...lol. I only slept a few hours and then it was time to get up and head to town with DH. I am packing up the cats this morning and they are my top priority today! I want them up there chasing and catching the little critters. I am not afraid of them, but I do not want to wake up and find one in my bed! hahahaha!!!!
I have started a third hat. I have taken it out more then I've knit on it. I keep adding an extra row and noticing it about 30+ rows and have to R I P it out. Well it may just become a little more fuel in the wood stove the way this is going. I just can't seem to make headway on this one at all.
Going to pack up my Joat and finish that right off. I am not going to leave this one until fall. Could be wearing it right now. Only 34 degrees out right now...holy moly! Feels like December out there. Weatherman is calling for more rain and snow today. Come on Mother Nature and give us a break on our fuel bills!
Well time to pack some more stuff up and find the cats...not going without them today!
Boy that partridge was hard to see! Good camophage! When will Hope spring comes to you soon.
Yes, I know. My uncle in Caribou said he had snow there too. I don't know where your camp is, but wow, snow in Maine. Not uncommon I know, but enough is enough for you guys!!!
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