This is the cove...too much ice to put the water line in yet. The rest of the lake is open.
A little closer pic of the cove. Tons of ice still out there on our end of the lake.
Two Ravens on the tracks eating something!
The two ravens in flight. Hubby hollered at them so I was able to get this picture of them in flight.
We went to camp Saturday and started cleaning up after the mice that took over again during the winter months. We emptied all the traps and then reset them. Got the windows done inside and out thanks to hubbys help doing the outsides and the patio doors for me. Bedroom ones will be the next time I hope.
As you can see, today the ice is gone. Now to get the pump to camp and the hose into the lake. Water is too rough today for that. Next time up maybe??? No think we will wait until we can stay. That way if the temps drop below freezing at night we can run the water to keep the lines from freezing and breaking. Been there, done that! Too many times! lol
Sunday we spent the day cleaning out all the dishes and packing them up to bring home to run through the dishwasher. There was mice poop in some of the saucers so that meant they were running over all of the stuff so bring it home to the dishwasher to disinfect them good. We had two traps that had to be emptied due to dead mice in them today. I also decided to take the afghan off the back of the couch and the blanket that I have over the cushions home to wash them instead of waiting to turn the water on. Well what a surprise I had! Sunflower seeds and elbow macaroni inside the blanket and under the cushions. I used the vacuum to pick that up and low and behold there were more inside the bedding! So I took the cushions off the couch and went to pull the bed out when I noticed tons of seeds inside the bedding! I rolled it up and took it outside to shake it out. Now I know where all the bird seed went this winter. Had found a little pile of in behind a birthday card under the little doily that it was sitting on yesterday. Thought that was so cute...yeah right the little bastards! Teach them to mess around with me! Hope there are more of them in the traps tomorrow. LOL Have a lot to do this week if we hope to move in Saturday. Washing machine is going and so is the dishwasher right now.
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Had a cute little squirrel today on the feeders. Too bad he will become food for Tonto. Last year we didn't have one critter left after the cat got done killing them all off. And the mice! Not as many as in previous years, but still had a couple on the deck every morning that he and Penny would catch. And the inside ones will be fun for Samantha and Feather to chase. They play with them until they finally kill it. Many nights we have had to get up and chase them with the mouse in their mouth to take it away so we could get some sleep! One time, Feather decided to bring the damn thing to us in bed and drop it while the mouse was still alive. LOL I can't see a thing without my glasses so I didn't have a clue as to what was going on. Poor Hubby! He was up chasing the mouse around trying to hit it with his steel toed boots. LOL I wish I would have had a cam-corder then. It would have been priceless. There is a little more to this story but won't tell ya just what that's a secret and that's what makes it so funny to us!
Well, time to go put the clothes in the dryer and do the next one. Boy that old washer and dryer are sure getting a last big workout before we take off for the summer. And its time to start supper too. HMMMM what to have????
Oh yeah, before I forget. I started the purple hat for my DGD.I have the brim done and hope to get the top part on tonight. It is the same pattern as the blue one. Mom said it fit her good and she was very pleased that the back of the brim of the hat would cover Sarah's neck so she won't have to worry about sunburn on that part of her. And mom is sending me two is without her face. I am going to try to get those scanner and on the blog this week..don't have them yet, but when they get here I will do that. Once we move to camp, I won't be posting too often if at all. I will be having my back surgery in two weeks and that will prevent me from driving for a month or so. Oh well, DH will be at my beck and call again! God love him! He's been thinking about trading me in on a newer that won't come with all these age Yeah right! He has all he can do to put up with me, can't imagine him or me starting over in this stage of our lives with new, younger spouses. Wow!! That would be like trying to commit suicide wouldn't it???? Oh well. To each his own.
Have to go...take care all and.....
It looks like a beautiful day in Maine! Sounds like you made a good dent in opening the cabin.
Sounds like you worked hard getting rid of those little buggers!! Seeing your pictures makes me miss Maine.
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