Tom's truck is done plowing...
sorry these pics always run backwards...so the top is the end of the plowing and the bottom pics are when I first took pics out the window this morning.

Looking out the back door at the back yard...the 4wheelers are covered with about a foot of snow and so are the trees.

AS you can see by the pictures, we got a little bit of snow again! lol I remember when I was 10 I was going to have an outdoor birthday party...yeah right! Woke up on that April 14 th morning to over 2 feet of snow..and no electricity. Last night a little after 10, the lights went out in our neighborhood. Checked out the window and the rest of the town had lights. Called Bangor Hydro Electric Co to let them know what was happening and they had already sent a couple of trucks to take care of it. Hubby was downstairs watching TV and I was in bed knitting and watching tv too. He couldn't find the flashlight so wanted me to get the one on his side of the bed and come down so he could find his. Well it was right there on the end table..but it was so dark he didn't dare to move...didn't want to break my lamp. He is claustrophobic and this was so sudden he was in a panic. Once he saw the light I had he was fine. He went and filled the wood stove and came to bed with me. We were just about asleep when the lights came on. All the lights were still on so we got up and took care of them...and then turned the TV on to watch the end of my show, the news and then OCC. I checked out the window after 1 am and very little snow..but when I got up at 8:30 it looked like someone took a snow gun to the place!! WOW it was wet and heavy. DH got dressed and went out and cleaned the truck off. He decided he felt good enough to plow so I stayed in and went back to bed. lol He and our neighbor Tom plowed the yards. Tom said it was like plowing heavy wet cement! Alan did some and then Tom would push it the other way and then they would swap...Glad I was asleep. LOL
Alan had his surgery Monday afternoon. The doctor removed a very large area off his back. I hope this is the last time he will have to have this done. But they only remove the skin by layers and said they test and then will know if there are any "feelers" in this layer. The first one indicated the cancer and this second surgery will detect if the cancer is deeper into the layers. The thing is really gross and I have to clean it!! YUCK at least I didn't get sick like I did with the stitches he had from his gall bladder surgery a couple of years ago. I was unable to clean that for him...almost passed out it was so funny... Told him that if its still this swollen and sore on Monday he is to call in to work and take a weeks vacation. The mill was down this week for repairs so he was able to have this week off without pay...which is NOT nice! We will get by..we always do.
Finally got the two fronts finished on my Joat and have the cuffs on the sleeves started. One more row of cuff then I will start the design. My hands hurt so bad I find it hard to knit lately...and my mind has not been with it either...just been so worried about Hubby and this cancer scare. Hopefully now that this surgery is over I can start knitting and getting things done around here.

I went to my cousins at lunch time to sit with her mom while she was at work. They live by the river and have had the sea gulls there on the banks for a few weeks now. I tried to get some pictures yesterday, but they weren't there. Today there was just too much snow for them to be landing so I got a picture of this one sitting on the pole next to their home. He is a smart one...no snow for him today to lay in...I got the pole...the others have tried to make him move but he hasn't...lol noisy birds too!
Supposed to be a nice tomorrow...hope to get out of the house for a while...nice drive around the area?? We'll see what the weather brings first. Sunday is supposed to be a very bad day...for the next three days according to the weatherman. I hope we don't get hit too hard again. He said up to 4 inches of rain but with high chances of heavy wet snow in the mountains for this big storm. That means us again! HOPE NOT!! NO MORE SNOW PLEASE...want it to go away so we can get moved to the lake the end of the month. Oh well. Have to wait until the ice goes out on the lake anyway. We get our water from the lake. Don't drink it but use it to bath and do dishes with. Oh well...we will be there sooner or later.
On that note, I am going to go start our supper...take care all and KNIT ON!