Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Moving to Camp some day!!!

Well this is going to be one of those years! Nothing has gone right with this move at all this week. DH and I put the waterline in the lake yesterday after waiting for 4 days for the winds to die down and the lake to calm down. Then he discovered he had brought up the wrong pump so that was the end of that! So today we brought up the right pump and he hooked it up. He primed the pump and waited for the water to fill the line up so he could open the line into the camp and nothing. An hour and a half of him putting water in the pump and turning it on and nothing!! So he pulled the waterline in and checked it out to make sure there weren't any holes in the pipe. The foot valve was tangled in the rope and he thinks this was stopping the water from getting pumped in. But the winds are still bad so we didn't get to put the line back. Yesterday we had a little lull in the winds so we took that as our one chance to get it in the lake. But today the winds were even stronger and huge white caps and waves made it impossible to put the little boat back in the water and row out to drop the line with the block on it back. We won't be going to camp tomorrow as I have an MRI in Bangor at 4 pm. It will be too late to go up by the time we get home...so it will have to wait until Saturday when DH is on vacation for the next week. Oh well. Just wasn't meant to be! Now we are keeping our fingers crossed that none of the pipes in the camp have cracked like they did several years ago due to moisture in the pipes and a very cold night with no one staying at camp to keep the water running...lol That is the only good thing about PVC pipe..it is easy to cut and replace it if there is a problem.

Well I did get the two bands done on the Aran Cardigan tonight. I just haven't felt like knitting at all these last 4 or 5 days. I have several projects all packed for camp. Will take up three or four and the rest will be at home. DH will bring them up when I am ready to start them.

I hate thinking about the MRI I am having tomorrow. I was abused as a little girl and one of the incidents was my mother locking me in the basement in a little room that they kept potatoes in during the winter. There was no light so it was a very dark place to be. And this MRI is a great reminder of those feelings even 48 years after the fact. And it took a scare to bring it all back when I was 35. I was in the bathroom at work when the lights went out and there was no back up lights. I was terrified and this just came flashing at me like it was yesterday! And since then I have been terrified of being locked in and not being able to get out. I will have to be medicated to do this and I am bring my Phil Vasseur Greatest Hits CD for them to play while I am in there for an hour tomorrow. My doctor has ordered this to check the whole spine this time. No more little surprises I am hoping. This way she will know what else needs to be corrected and then go in for the surgery. I will be the bionic woman when I am done!!! LOL

Well, I am going to watch Murder She Wrote and then head to bed and try to relax enought to get some sleep. Take care all and.......



Chicago Sarah said...

Good luck with the MRI- just focus on the music and how fun it will be at camp (I'm not good at those things myself so you've got some positive wishes coming your way!).

Cactusneedles said...

Hope all went well with your MRI. They're not fun. Glad you got a little knitting done, more than me the last few days. Went on a field trip with oldest's class today--whew. Now I know why I send my hubby! Take care.

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

I hope that the MRI went okay! I am a LOT claustrophobic and I totally get what you mean...

P.S. You are one of the winners of my caption contest! Please check out my post today to claim your winnings!