I went to camp on Wednesday to see how things were and to get the bedding. On the ride home, I almost hit a deer that ran into the road in front of me. And this big snapping turtle was crossing the road. I stopped in both lanes of traffic so no one could get by me and run over it. They move so slowly and a lot of people run over them when they could have stopped and waited for them to get to the other side of the road. We do not have turtles like we used to when I was a kid. People kill them all the time and the babies do not survive because of predators. This one was moving along nicely and it probably wouldn't have made it if I hadn't stopped traffic for it. LOL
Yesterday we went to camp after DH got out of work at 3:30 pm. I got some of the bedroom cleaned and a lot of the dust removed from the furniture. DH unloaded the cleaning stuff for me and then went to shoot his new bow! I knew he wanted to go up for a reason that wasn't to clean...hahahahahaha. We had sandwiches for supper at camp and then did some more cleaning and headed home. While I was eating supper I noticed a hummingbird at the feeder. By the time I got my camera ready it flew off. So today I went to camp at 7:30 am and did a lot of cleaning...with a lot of breaks. I had lunch and while I was eating, the male hummer was there a lot. I finally got a picture of him. I also put out some of my other bird feeders and had several blue jays and many different kinds of finch. I think the bright yellow ones are so pretty.
And there is still snow at camp!! Some on the road in and a lot on the shoreline. We have a huge pile of it because that is where it drifted the most. It should be gone in a few more days. It will take a couple of weeks for the lawn to dry up before we can drive on it.
I got two of my cupboards washed out with Clorox cleanup today. I hate cleaning up after the mice!! They poop everywhere. We put all the dishes and silverware into large plastic storage boxes so we don't have poop on them any more. But they still get in the cupboards and drawers. We are so lucky that they make cleaning products ready to use...especially when there is no running water for a few more days. I get to clean the place and not need any water!!! Thank God for smart people!! lol
Well, going to go knit and watch TV early tonight. Need to rest my poor aching back and ankle!! Take care all and....
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