Well, I got the sleeves knitted up last night and measured to make sure all the pieces were the right length. @#$@%#& it all! The back and the front were an inch too short. So I took out the bind off and picked up the back stitches and added 8 more rows. Then I frogged the two fronts back 18 rows to where I started to decrease and added 8 more rows there. I have only 5 rows of the decrease done and had to put it up for the evening. Was so over tired I couldn't see straight. Today I have been so busy that I didn't get a chance to even open up my knitting bag to work on it. The weather was 71 F beautiful degrees today, the sun was shining and I just couldn't stay in the house to knit or read!! I went to bed early to work on the fronts this evening, but just didn't feel like it so watched NCIS and Shark. Turned off the TV and couldn't sleep. So here I am at the computer reading blogs and adding to mine. And DH is upstairs snoring away and I can't seem to get sleepy tonight.
Had my little car checked over today. Back tire was making noise so had it to the garage all day. Nothing there so didn't cost me anything.
Having a lot of problems with my poor ankle. Dr wants to wait to replace it until after my back surgery. I don't think that is going to wait. I am using crutches again to get around. In the morning it isn't too bad, but as the day wears on the pain is so bad I can hardly stand on it. It feels like a broken bone! I know it is the little pieces in there moving and causing this pain. And I know that I am calling the doctor tomorrow to get on the list and have it done ASAP. We should be moving to camp this weekend. So if I can get it all cleaned up this week and stuff moved in and put away, all DH has to do is put the pump in place, line in the water and prime it! The rest will be getting the cats up there! Then we can plan the surgery. It is only a 2 day stay this time..but I will be in bed for 2 weeks in a fluffy cast and then 4 more weeks in a hard cast and not able to put any weight on it. Oh well..can't be any worse then when I broke it in '82. (Did it on my 10 year olds little 60CC dirt bike! Had 5 1/2 hours of surgery to put the ankle back in place and 6 weeks in a cast. I then had 6 months of physical therapy 5 days a week to learn to walk again. I then had two more surgeries in the next 5 years to remove the pins and screws in it. That summer a friend and her son and me and my son went up on the mountain where there had been a terrible forest fire a few years before and picked blueberries. I picked over 120 quarts of those little things. It was a hot July too! lol We had blueberries for months..gave away many of them too.)
I boiled my sugar water tonight and washed out my hummingbird feeders. I know that the males are already here and they must be wondering why there isn't anything to eat! I have bought 50 pounds of sugar so far..I hope to get the rest this weekend at Sam's Club in Bangor. I have used 150 pounds one summer! Had over 40 of birds and they sure did go through a lot of the stuff everyday. I was boiling 3 gallons of water a day for over a month...August. I usually have a dozen or so females and 3 males. Then the babies start showing up. Last summer I thought I had a couple of big bumble bees on the feeders. When I went out to shoo them away, I discovered they were baby hummers!! lol
Going to head to the camp at 6 when DH leaves for work. Need to get the bedding and curtains down and bring them home to wash and dry. Then I will take the truck to the glass place for them to fix the windshield..it leaked inside the truck last week when we had all the heavy rain. The dealer isn't sure if it is the windshield or the lights on top. (Reason we never ordered them on a truck before..this truck wasn't ordered by us so it had them on the cab.) So start with the windshield and see if it happens again. The truck isn't 3 years old yet and it still have full coverage on it..so get r done now!!! lol
Going to have to get my knitting projects lined up for the summer. DH will never be able to find anything if I don't have it all bagged and tagged and ready to grab when I need a new one. This way I will always have something to do while recouping. I hope I can get the skirt done for DDIL this summer too. Started it over 3 years ago and just couldn't make myself work on it when it got to the 3/4 point! Now I have them on one big circular needle and only have about 45 more rows to go. Will try to get a couple of pictures taken of it and post soon.
Well, going to go watch Murder She Wrote..Haven't seen this one before..that I can remember!! LOL