Saturday, January 19, 2008

Another Snow Day in Maine

Today we got another good snowstorm. This one was very heavy and sticky snow. This is was one of the trailer parks in town. I go to my cousins to plow her out.

This is on Katahdin Ave.....heading to my cousins place. It was snowing very hard, but it was very warm out. Had the heater going with the A/C button on to keep the moisture out of the truck so the windows wouldn't fog up as I was driving.

Heading to the lake to plow the camp out. Nothing like bright sun light at 4 in the afternoon after a big storm. We have had a couple of nice warm days so far but watch out!!! The cold air is coming this weekend and we should be well below zero by Sunday. It is very pretty when it has just snowed. The trees are very heavy with all the new snow on them. Luckily we have had no power outages in our area today or tonight.

And this is one of the camp owners that went off the road while plowing today and got stuck in one of the ditches. I was able to get by with my truck and go into my place and plow. The road wasn't opened up all the way in and the snow mobilers had already been using the road so I had to put the plow in V form and plow in and then I was able to finish plowing the road and our place. On the way out I took this picture of the truck. This was before the men got there to pull it out. They had to use come-a-longs to get the trucks tires out of the deep ditch and then one hooked on with a big rope and used his 4X4 to pull him out. If he had been going slow this wouldn't have happened. Speed and plowing just don't mix. When you hit the drifts, it always pulls you into the you know you're stuck. Been there, done that a few times. Thank God for my cell phone. Had had to call people to come get me!

Well, I have finished another pair of wool socks tonight. Also started another pair for adult male. Or a woman who wants them big and loose on her feet...(didn't want to say big feet! ha ha) I will get the pictures taken and post them to my picturetrail account soon. They are for sale, so if you're interested, email me at

Time for bed and to read my murder/mystery book by JA Jance. I bought a light that clips on the book so I don't have to use my little mag light any more and have a sore neck from trying to hold it in place. DH says this light is bright and he will get used to it so I can read all I want while he sleeps.

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1 comment:

Sheila said...

I am behind on my blog reading! You sure have gotten your share of snow! Glad you got out of the snow ok. The nice thing about the winter in Maine is knitting!