Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winter scene from Cedar Lake

This is a picture of the winter sky from the beach at camp. I thought you would like to see the snow and clouds of the day!
Winter is here with a vengeance right now. It has been very, very cold...-12 one night and today started at -2. I can feel the cold on my feet in the house..that's how cold it is. Even with the wood stove pumping out heat we have had to turn the furnace on to keep the temp in the house at a comfortable range. The sun has been out the last two days, so the sun has been nice but the cold air is still the big thing!! When it's cold, it's COLD! Oh well, the third week of February will bring the turning of the cold into spring. Will be cold but not that Arctic cold we are getting right now. Hurry up SPRING!!!!

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Sheila said...

The picture is beautiful but looks very cold. I want to see the view in the summer. I can't complain about our winter weather. We've been having days around 50 with the nights in the 20's. The sun was gorgeous today. Don't worry, we will suffer in the summer!

Cactusneedles said...

Again, great picts of the snow. I know it's cold for you, my aunt in Caribou is clolder! Not going to tell you what it is here this week and what the weekend is supposed to be (you wouldn't like me!). Keep warm. I like the new picts at the top of the page! Very nice.