Luke Bryan and Trace Adkins (there was another guy too, but don't remember his name) played at the Bangor Auditorium last night in Bangor Maine. I went with my DC and we had a great time. The weather dipped to -10F on the ride home last night.
Hate the way this blog works when downloading from Picasa. Oh well, it's free.
Here is Trace Adkins...and he is as tall as he looks to be. He put on a good concert. I was surprised that the stage was set for only half of the place. And it wasn't a sell out either! Hate the way this Picasa works...always get the pictures ass-backwards when downloading.
The concert was very enjoyable...wish the seats weren't so close together. I was lucky to have a very nice man sitting next to me...he was joking about how we all had to sit sideways to sit down. Asked DC if she enjoyed my boob in her side all night long! LOL
The ride home was cold...and we did have a little thing with a cop in Orono. We stopped so I could use the restroom. I went in and went to the bathroom and then went to get some pretzels for the ride home. I was looking at the rack when a cop came in and asked two men if the blue dodge outside was theirs. I spoke up and said it was mine. He asked me where my handicapped plaque was. I told him I had handicapped plates on my truck. He then proceeded to eye me up and down and said "you don't look handicapped!" Well, I was pissed. Pulled up my pant leg and showed him my ankle/leg brace. I then proceeded to tell him that I had DJD, had a total knee replacement and just had back surgery. He just said he never looks for a plate, but the plaque in the windshield. He then followed me to the register and then out to my truck. I was telling my two passengers what had just happened with him right beside me getting into his cruiser. I talked to one of the officers on our police force today and he said I should get in touch with the Chief of Police in Orono. So, this evening I sent an email to the Chief explaining what happened to me and asked that he teach his officers that being disabled isn't always visible to the naked eye. And to have some sensitivity training. Hope I don't get myself in trouble for doing this. You know how it is with cops, piss them off and they are forever after you. Just have to wait and see.
Still knitting socks. Have one now that I just can't seem to get the heel to come out right. Oh goes on and on and on and .................
DH is home from work for a few weeks. He was injured last Thursday and on Tuesday the mill nurse finally sent him to the ER to have X-rays. He has a broken rib! They sent him home to recover...about 4 weeks or so. GRRRR He is just under foot all the time now. LOL Told the doctor yesterday that he needs to find him a light duty job so he can go back to work NOW!! We all had a good laugh over that. So now I have to rearrange my schedule to fit him and now I have to share the PC all day long, not just in the evenings and weekends. I love him and really don't mind him being home, I just don't want him to know that. ha ha