Tuesday, January 1, 2008


It's snowing again. We got 8 inches yesterday and now we have another storm coming through that will dump up to 14 inches of more snow! I do not know where we will put this stuff...plowing is becoming a nightmare! The roads are getting smaller as the snowbanks get higher and wider...oh well, Mother Nature is doing her thing and loving every bit of it I swear!!! hahahaha

I have been working on felted mittens. I have one pair knit and felted and now have a third pair on the needles. I will wash these two pair together. Then I am going to make myself a Lucy Bag...as I gave the two away for Christmas gifts to my nieces.

Hurt my back last night. Called DH at work today and told him to make sure doesn't work over tonight as he will have to take me to the ER for this. We just got home from the hospital and already the injection is taking the swelling down in the back muscles. I have been in bed all day trying to relax to keep the pain down. The shot of toridol did the trick again. Was hoping the back surgery would eliminate this but looks like it didn't. But it sure took care of the leg pain.

Well, just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR and much good knitting for 2008! I will post the pictures of the mittens in a day or two.


1 comment:

SinKnitty said...

Happy New Year! I spent the night knitting and watching movies. I've never been big on new years parties and finding a babysitter willing to sit around my house all night on new years eve is near impossible. lol