Monday, April 27, 2009

Camp and knitting

the road is open to camp. BUT!!!!! The culvert they replaced last fall has washed out. It is down on our end so no one is in a hurry to fix it. DH hauled two loads of gravel yesterday and at least now we can drive over it without killing the truck and ourselves. LOL We are getting old. We are putting in a new hot water heater...we are going tankless this time. It will be so much easier to close up the camp without the big 40 gallon tank of water to drain. Mike is going to put it in and put easy disconnects for us so that we can blow it out and replace with anti-freeze and not worry about that for the winter months.

I have received my hand-painted wool that I ordered from Knitivity. One group is of the colors of Samantha and the other is from our grand puppy Ollie. Going to knit myself a cardigan with hood out of the Samantha color and some socks. Possible a hat and some mittens if I have enough. The Ollie colors are in worsted weight and sport. Knitting some hats and socks for DS for Christmas gifts. I will work on them at camp this summer.

We have someone coming to look at the camp as soon as the road is graded. It is a mess this year. No one took the road rake this spring so it has hardened up quickly and with the ruts from the logging trucks still there. And the sides of the roads are very soft. Someone was stuck They must have walked to the main road and got a ride home. When we came out this afternoon the truck was gone but you could see the area he was stuck in. Get too close to the edges and they mud just sucks the vehicle in and there is no stopping it. Ha Ha. Better them than me! Mud is worse then snow any day!! lol

I have another pair of socks finished and one and a half of another pair too! Hope to post pictures tomorrow if it is raining out. We will not be heading to camp too early tomorrow..need to run to Medway to the vets to pick up Penny's medications for her thyroid problem. lol Hard to believe that a cat has the same problems humans have.....oh well. She is worth it...she is needed at camp to catch mice for us again. This has caused her heart muscle to thicken so now she has heart problems too. She has had a good life with us and we will keep her going as long as she isn't in any pain. But for now she is taking her meds, eating and has put on a pound in the last 6 weeks. I will start looking for a kitten soon to replace Samantha. I know that Tonto will not be here much longer as he is over 17 years old now...almost 18!!! We don't want Feather to be alone, she hates it when we go out and leave her alone now, can't imagine what she will do if she is the only cat in this house. She has never been alone.

Time to go watch the Young and Restless, or as DH calls it...the old and useless! lol Want to finish my sock tonight. God Bless!!

Take care all and KNIT ON!

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