Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Sock 2008

Making this Xmas sock for a friend...she also wants one with a snowman on it and a poinsettia. I had two of these with the moose on them done, but I think a moth got at them and ate a hole in each one where I had folded it and put it on the couch last spring before we moved to the lake.

I am using Canadiana yarn that I have left from my yarn shop days. The yarn has held up well for over 15 years since it has never been used before and it comes from a smokeless home. Cats, yes, cigarettes, no!!!

I hope to be able to design the other two from this pattern as I have the diagrams for them but I do not like to knit these socks on two needles and sew them together. So I will take the designs and incorporate them into this moose pattern. I have already figured out how many more rows I will need to add to this pattern and once I get my head around the rest of it I will be able to get them done in a couple of days from when I start.

It is snowing here again. The last couple of days it has been so foggy you couldn't see across the street. It is 34F so this snow won't last long.

Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday? We went to DH's cousins for supper. DH came after he got out of work and we all had a great time. The ride home was slow due to fog, but we both made it home in our own vehicles. I drove the truck down there and he had the car at work. I made a couple of graham cracker pies from scratch the evening before so we had a lot to eat and a lot of great company to share the day with. Tomorrow I am going to cook my turkey for us.

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Sheila said...

Cute Moose! Hope you didn't get too buried in snow!

Cactusneedles said...

Love the moose! Great stocking. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!