Received my pattern book and yarn from Rosemary's Gift Shop in Cornish Maine. She has been so good about ordering for me. I am going to make this in a size 4 so Sarah will have it next fall. Trying to keep ahead of the growth game. They grow so fast at times and then slow down.

The book and yarn are from Berroco. I should have a lot left over as the pattern called for one skein of 4 of the colors and 2 of one color. I can always make socks with the leftovers.

This is the yarn I am going to use. I had to use my scanner to upload today as my Sony camera isn't working. I am so upset with this camera. I paid over $1200 for it in 2003 and the last couple of years it has been acting up. Today I went to photograph the yarn and books and the finally finished hooded sweater and it won't do anything but show me already taken photos. The screen is black when I try to use it to shoot a picture. I can see all the writing the camera has on the battery length and such, but it won't work...all I can see is black. But it will display my previous photos. Darn, darn, darn!!!!! Nothing seems to be going good right now. Oh well.
Our new little grandson to be is coming along well. Anna had her checkup last week and all is fine. He is right on schedule...whatever that means. LOL They are thinking about naming the little guy after his great grandfathers...Laurence Reynold. I think it is too long a name for the little guy, but not my kid. Great grandads would be pleased with the name I am sure. But time will tell. They could change it at the last minute. But it is up to the parents to name their child. Whatever his name will be I will call him a little nick name like I do with my son.
The weather here today is weird. We are supposed to have thunderstorms tonight and heavy winds. It has been raining for 3 days now and I swear we are going to have to go get the boat at camp and bring it home in case we need it...like Noah's Ark. ha ha.
Ankle is getting better every day. I am not using my cane any more, I just have to be careful when I get up to move as it is stiff until it gets stretched out. Now if the numbness would go away from when the doctor cut the skin and bones. No one ever talks about that part of knee or ankle or any bone replacement numbness. It has been over two years for the right knee and I still have a lot of that prickly numbness on the outside of my knee. It is very irritating at times as it seems to be worse on some days then others. My ankle has most of it on the outside and the heel area. It is continuous and very hard to not think about at times. Oh well, time will tell how much of the nerve endings will rebuild or not. And I have no patience for waiting..ha ha.
Take care all and KNIT ON!!
I love that sweater, that one's going in the que for my many granddaughters!
Knitting Editor
that is a great sweater. I hope your camera gets fixed soon. It's a big investment to have it on the fritz!
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