The neighbor trying to knock some of the snow off the roof of his two story house. We got over 2 feet of the white crap again!!! Where is spring!
One of the kids in the neighborhood enjoying a no school day because of the snow. Roads were not opened up until late morning in our little town..just got so much of it and all the cut backs haven't helped either.
Tough plowing conditions at camp. We were only able to plow in part way. So much snow and the banks are too high for the plow to push the snow over them it kept falling back under the truck and making it too hard to go forward. Here are are stuck and the road goes on for another 2 miles. So we backed up and went home. Now to get one of the big logging crews to go in and open the road for us. Still have a couple of families still stuck in there.
Intersection of the highway in town. As you can see the snow is piled high and no where to put it. The whole town is bogged down with this lastest storm. The two lane roads are down to one lane in most places so driving around town is slow. Everyone is putting their snow in the roads for the town crew to clean up and they have no place to put it either. Hope they get our street soon. Can just get a car up and down the hill now.
Knit content!
Working on a pair of the socks I knit on Death by Socks. I had to go to a size one needle to get them to fit me. Wow what a lot of stitches this pattern has. I cut it back so that I don't have all of them and the socks are still looking good.. will post pics later.
Wow, you got a ton of snow! I've been thinking about Maine since my daughter sent a photography book of the Maine Seaboard. We never made up your way in the summer. Think happy spring thoughts.
Wow! I know you got a lot, my aunt in Caribou has just about had it with the snow! (She's house-bound-health reasons-and I think she's going crazy!). Hmm...I think we got your spring--been in the high 80's here this week--but maybe I shouldn't tell you that! Take care...I'll send warm thoughts your way!! :)
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