Saturday, February 7, 2009


Just reflecting on how lucky I am. I have a wonderful son, daughter in law, two beautiful and healthy grand kids, a husband who is my hero and all the yarn and books I could ever want. lol Alan and I are truly blessed!

I received my socks from Judi yesterday in Death by Socks. I love them. she put beads on the top cuff and they are just perfect in the fit too. DH wants me to take the beads off so he can steal the socks. He likes them too.

Hope to go visit next week one day and see Ben and Sarah. Sarah will be so excited to see her GB and Grams. She is getting so tall and talking more and more in longer sentences. Time is going by too fast. So glad to have my family in my life. And they are so kind and caring about sharing with us too. Anna calls daily to let us know how things are going and lets us talk to Sarah...who has learned where the off button is and is good at using it. She likes to answer when the phone rings and knows we will call her back and she gets to answer. lol

Well, back to my socks...and Ben's little aran sweater.


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