Since I have no camera to take pictures of the weather or my sweater progress I'll just write a little bit about it.
We got some snow yesterday with heavy winds and a lot of Arctic cold. This made for bad driving conditions and more wood in the wood stove. The winds are still howling today and the windchill is around 0 F. Too cold too soon if you ask me. I did go out to the dump yesterday cause DH is working 12 hour shifts and he won't be home before it closes at 4. Once out I decided to visit with cousins for just a few minutes to see how they are. Haven't been over since before I had surgery in July. Forgot to go to the grocery store to pick up DH RX...two days in a row now. They will put it back if I don't get there today and by the looks of the wind and cold today, I am not going out!!
Working on a Christmas stocking for a friend. She gave me a pattern for them (2) and I really don't like it. So trying to take the snowman and poinsettia designs and work them into the pattern I used for family socks. My pattern doesn't have enough rows for the design without taking away from the one that is there. Oh well. Don't want to make them too big or long. Will just have to figure out something else or find a different pattern with those designs in them.
Have the two panels for Sarah's sweater up to the to start decreasing then then increasing for the back. They are made in one strip from front to back. Then you pick up the sleeves from the panel. Different!!!
This economy is sure bad. I am hoping our new President will be able to help us get things back on the right track quickly. If not, this country and the whole world will be in deep do-do. The thing that really pisses me off is that it's more taxes and we are taxed so much right now, no wonder we can't make ends meet. These big companies and banks should be ashamed of themselves for asking us Americans to bail them out! We make squat compared to their income and benefits and they still want more. They should be put in prison for their greed! Making 27 million a year and then going to the government for more money just so they can keep their live styles and we lose what little bit we have?? (Ford execs., auto execs) What a joke this country has become! Talk about taxation without representation!!! I think we need another Boston Tea Party only it should be a "No more Taxes" party. Let these companies take care of themselves. We sure aren't getting any help.
Nov 24, 2008
I heard on the news today that we are now bailing out CITI bank! Wow! I want to be on that bail out list too! Where do I sign up? If we could get help to pay off our camp loan we wouldn't have to sell it!! Come on people!!! Where will this end? I have no income at all and only DH is working and now it's going to be pay more taxes while the big wigs keep it all and I go without??? I just don't see how we can bail anyone out and still keep our head above water too!!!
Well enough of this crap...I am stepping off my soapbox for now!
Have been knitting on my alpaca socks last night. Have the heel turned and will have to wind some more yarn to finish this one up. Then I only have one more pair of them to make for my DS for his Christmas gift. DDIL is done and so is her mothers so that makes a couple more gifts done.