Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yarn, raven, Dog in sidecar

This yarn is going to be a side to side sweater for DGD.

This big raven was on the deck eating the cat food from their dish and then drinking from the cats water dish. I have 2 outdoor cats and one indoor one now.

He was so noisey I thought that someone was running up and down the deck. When I opened the blinds up I saw this big guy having breakfast at the cat dish. He was HUGE!! One thing to see them on the side of the road or flying over head, but when they are right there 4 feet from you...let me tell you this one was a big, big guy! Even the outtie guys stayed away from their food and water dish that morning. LOL

This picture I took in Kingfield Maine when we had to stop for the parade that was on the highway. We walked up to the parade and I saw this guy sitting there patiently waiting for his owner to come back and finish the ride! They were stuck for 45 minutes with all of us.

I haven't posted in weeks and here I am posting a ton of stuff. LOL

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1 comment:

Cactusneedles said...

Wow! That's a big bird! We sometimes get an owl in the tree in our backyarn (he patrols the desert wash behind the house) and I won't let the 50 pound dog out when he's there! Great pictures! Glad you're feeling better and hope your winter is not too severe. Although I would like to borrow some of your cooler weather for a bit! Take care:)