Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Recovery is coming along!!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am getting better every day. I will start to put some weight on my ankle next week. Right now I have a knee walker that I am using to get around on. I have had a lot of people comment on are amazed that an old lady like me is using a scooter!!!

I have knit 44 dishcloths these last couple of weeks, a couple of baby hats for this winter and started another "Mexicali baby" sweater for Sarah. I ordered the yarn from The Knittwitt in Mass. Can't remember the name of it but will post it later with some pictures.

Had to buy a new keyboard as my other one died..that is why there wasn't any writing the the archery pictures. sorry about that.

Have PT tomorrow so I hope to come to town early and add to this blog with some pictures.

And I drove to town today by myself for the first time in 5 weeks! Talk about feeling free toady! I have done nothing but lay in bed for 5 weeks reading, knitting and watching TV. Our cell phone doesn't work that well in the camp so I haven't been able to talk to anyone on that!

Yesterday we heard the news on the local news channel that the mill my husband has worked in for the past 40 years will be closing their doors on Sept. 2. They have lied to the workers for months now...and now they gave them all a one week notice. HOLY SHIT! NOT AGAIN!!!! We went through this in 2003-2004...18 months closed. New owners and now they are of the cost of oil. Promises, promises, promises is all this town had heard. We were praying for another 3 years before they closed, DH would be able to retire then, and now this. Oh well, will keep you posted as to what happens with the mill.

Take care all and



Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about the mill. Many of our small towns in SC have lost their primary economic base as they moved offshore. I hope there is a solution to this problem.

Anonymous said...

Correction - that would be as the textile mills moved offshore.

Cactusneedles said...

Glad you're feeling better. Don't know what to say about the mill except I'm sorry.

Sheila said...

I'm sorry to hear about the mill. I grew up in a mill town and I remember how that goes. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. That's a lot of washcloths!