I took this picture of this cow moose on route 11 on the way back from Bangor on July 2ND. As you can see, she is very thin and her rib cage is showing. The animals has a very hard winter and we lost a lot of wild life to this snow burdened year. With over 210 inches of snow the animals had it hard...very little if any food for them. Many died of starvation and even more did not have any babies this year as the mothers weren't able to carry them due to the lack of food.
This one decided she was going to pose for me....I stopped in the middle of the road and she turned and started eating from the bog. This picture here you can vaguely see the water dripping from her mouth as she chewed the sweet grass from the bog.

In this picture you can see how thin she is!!! I understand that the Maine wildlife isn't going to have any doe permits in our area this year for guns or bows.

July 4, Baxter and Brewski in the water playing. They had a great time chasing the stick we threw in. Brewski isn't too fond of water, but he finally swam a little to get the stick..more than he has ever done. lol
And this moth was on the screen at camp the other morning. I went out and touched it and it opened its wings up. It stayed there until the sun came around to the back of the camp and it got hot.
I have been knitting dishcloths like crazy! Gave over a dozen away so far and kept 5 for me. I will probably make more when I have my ankle replaced in 2 weeks...it is the kind of knitting you can do and not have to think about the pattern...mindless knitting!! Just my cup of tea lately!
I do have a hooded cables sweater started for Sarah. I bought some pink camo yarn at AC Moores a couple of weeks ago and decided to make one for DGD so she can be in camo when her Daddy takes her on his hunting rides...she will blend in with the rest of the hunters!! lol
Well, heading back to camp. It has been so nice up there even with all the heat and humidity. TG for A/C!!!
Oh yeah, had a night when all the windows were open and had a critter in the woods by our bedroom thrashing and snapping limbs...woke me up from a dead sleep! DH thought it was a moose. The cat took off from the bed hid for a few hours...lol scared cat!!!
Take care all and