This is the yarn that I will be using on my victim on the Death by Socks that will start on Jan 24. I hope I am able to figure out the pattern when it is posted on the 24Th and at least get them done before I am "assassinated" by my assassin! This should be fun!

In this photo you can see the snow people from our camp. The weather yesterday was very blustery and had heavy snow squalls most of the time we were at camp shoveling and plowing.
At the camp at the end of our road I took this picture of two snowmen that they built over Christmas weekend. It has rained and was warm so the snow was sticky. They are a little dilapidated right now from the winds but still can tell they are snow people!

You can see the black clouds and the snow squall across the lake from us. DH and I had to shovel the deck off as the snow blower isn't working. After an hour of that crap I said it was time to head home..had something important to do. We went to Stanley's Auto center in Medway and bought a new Toro snow blower!!! We got 10 years out of the other one..and it still runs like a charm..just need a new sprocket and the company is out of business. Our neighbor has the machine apart and will take the part over to the foundry on Monday and have them make us a new one. When its back up and running I think we will gift our son with our old machine. He won't use it much but will have it to do the walk and the back of his house with. I used the snow scoop we got last year and it was a lot easier then the shove. I still had to be very careful of my back and knee so that is why I bought the new snow blower....and today we used it. What a difference it made. The snow from the roof had settled over night but the blower took care of it. While I did that DH did the rest of the roof and then shoveled the snow away from our little canvas hut he bought. Already had to buy a new cover for it this summer so don't want to lose another one.
Well it's time for me to knit some mittens for my wonderful husband. He was worn out two pair in two days with that roof rake! Take care all and